Bibliografía parcial de la totalidad de textos del blog

La razón por la que no posteo en todas mis entradas de blog la bibliografía exacta de cada texto (aunque sí hago referencia a los autores o los libros explícitamente…), es porque ya las había posteado en el primer texto de la serie. Tendría que haber copiado y pegado una y otra vez la misma bibliografía, lo cual me parece una soberana estupidez, y fue la razón por la que decidí solo hacer referencias a los autores y su obra, además de sus posicionamientos y el contenido de ellos, explícitamente, en lugar de realizar esta formalidad. Pero como el clima intelectual costarricense es tan mezquino, se ha tratado de criticar la veracidad de mis trabajos basándose en la formalidad de que no tienen una bibliografía formal al final del texto. Ni siquiera dicen que no haya referencias a los autores y el contenido de sus posiciones, no: se refieren literalmente a poner la bibliografía en formato APA al final del texto, como forma de hacer “verdadero” mi trabajo, o en su defecto, hacerlo completamente “falso”. Es una puerilidad mezquina de personas que creen que algo es científico porque aparece en una revista universitaria, justo en el momento (como es el caso de este blog) donde ciertos aportes científicos se realizan por fuera de sus pasillos y corredores universitarios. Esto aumenta la mezquindad todavía más: como es un trabajo por fuera de las instituciones, de los fondos, de la notoriedad y de la fama intelectualoide, no queda más que utilizar argumentos pueriles. Es por esta razón que publico las referencias completas utilizadas en el blog, específicamente en la serie llamada Colonialismo y periferias, los textos que sean sobre el modo de producción asiático, la serie titulada Notas sobre Costa Rica, y cualquier otro texto que esté olvidando de temas del mal llamado “Tercer Mundo”. Es básicamente la bibliografía que se ha utilizado, no solo para esos textos, sino como insumo en general de todo el blog, evidentemente, pero señalo los textos particulares que le son pertinentes solo para ver si con esto se termina de utilizar este argumento burocrático y tramitológico. Algunos no tienen la editorial ni el año, espero se me disculpe haber nacido por cometer semejante crimen, pero estoy seguro de que ustedes mismos acordarán que los libros citados sí existen en la realidad objetiva, a pesar de no tener la editorial y el año, y espero no empiecen a delirar colectivamente gracias a ello, ni mucho menos. Gracias.

Bibliografía parcial:

Acuña, V.H.        Historia general de Centroamérica.
Ake, C.                 Democracy and development in Africa.
Amin, S.               Class and nation.
Anderson, P.       Lineages of the absolutist state.
Antons, C.           Law and development in East and South East Asia.
Arjoman, S.A.     Perso-Indian statecraft, greek political science, and the muslim idea of government.
Arouri, M.; Boubaker, S.; Nguyen, D.K. (2014) Emerging markets and the global economy. Academic Press.
Asian Development Bank Institute (2015) Integrating SME’s into global value chains. Challenges and policy actions in Asia. Asian Development Bank.
Askari, H., Cummings, J.T. Glover, M., Strange, S. y Hollist, L.        Taxation and tax policies in the Middle East.
Assadourian, C. y Laclau, E. et al               Modos de producción en América Latina.
Azam, J.P.           Trade, exchange rate and growth in SubSaharan Africa.
Bafoil, F. (2014) Emerging capitalism in central Europe and southeast asia. A comparison of political economies. Palgrave MacMillan.
Bagú, S.                              Economía de la sociedad colonial.
Bagú, S.                              Estructura social de la colonia.
Banaji, J.             Theory as history.
Bassett, T.          The land question and agricultural transformation in Sub-saharan Africa.
Bates, R.             Essays on the political economy of rural Africa.
Beinin, J.             Workers and peasants in the modern Middle East.
Berry, S.              No condition is permanent: the social dynamics of agrarian change in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Bértola, L. y Ocampo, J.A.            Desarrollo, vaivenes y desigualdad. Una historia económica de América Latina desde la Independencia.
Bethell, L.           Historia de América Latina. Tomos 3, 6, 7 y 11.
Bijaoui, I.            (2017) SME’s in an era of globalization. International business and market strategies. Palgrave Macmillan.
Birmingham, D. The decolonization of Africa.
Bjorkelo, A.        Prelude to the Mahdiyya. Peasants and trades in the Shendi region, 1821-1885.
Brennan, L.         (2011) The emergence of southern multinationals. Their impact on Europe. Palgrave MacMillan.
Buckley, P.          (2014) The Multinational enterprise and the emergence of the global factory. Palgrave MacMillan.
Bulmer-Thomas, V.         The economic history of Latin America since Independence.
Bulmer-Thomas, V.         The political economy of central America.
Byres, T.J.           Sharecropping and sharecroppers.
Cai, K.G.              The political economy of East Asia. Regional and national dimensions.
Casanova, L.; Miroux, A. (2016) Emerging markets multinationals report.  The China Surge. Johnson Cornell University Emerging Markets Institute.
Casanova, L.; Miroux, A. (2017) Emerging markets multinationals report. Emerging multinationals in a changing world. Cornell SC Johnson College of Business.
Charnock, G.; Starosta, G. (2017) The new international division of labour. Global transformation and uneven development. Palgrave McMillan.
Chayanov, A.V.  The theory of the peasant economy.
Chen, A.H.Y.       Constitutionalism in Asia in the early 21th century.
Cheng, L.             East Asian law: universal norms and local cultures.
Chesini, G.; Giaretta, E.; Paltrinieri, A. (2017) Financial markets, SME Financing and emerging economies. Palgrave MacMillan.
Cheung, S.W.     Colonial administration and land reform in East Asia.
Christensen, S.F.; Xing, L. (2016) Emerging markets, emerging powers, emerging societies. Global responses. Palgrave MacMillan.
Clapp, J.              Adjustment and Agriculture in Africa Farmers, the State and the World Bank in Guinea.
Coquery-Vitrovich, C.     The workers of african trade.
Cottier, M. et al               The customs law of Asia.
Cousins, B.          Potential and pitfalls of ‘communal’ land tenure reform: experience in Africa and implications for South Africa.
Cousins, Ben.     Potential and pitfalls of ‘communal’ land tenure reform: experience in Africa and implications for South Africa.
Cuervo-Cazurra. (2018) State Owned Multinationals. Governments in global business. Palgrave MacMillan.
Cuno, K.              The Pasha’s peasant land, society and economy in lower Egypt.
Das, D.K.             Asian economy and finance. A post-crisis perspective.
El-Ayouty, Y.      United Nations and decolonization. The role of Afro-Asia.
Fonseca, E. et al               Costa Rica en el Siglo XVIII
Forsgren, M.      (2017) Theories of the multinational firm: a multidimensional creature in the global economy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Francks, P., Boestel, J. et al          Agriculture and economic development in East Asia. From growth to protectionism in Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
Fujimoto, A.       Rice land ownership and tenancy systems in South East Asia: facts and issues based on ten village studies.
Furtado, C.         Economic development of Latin America.
García Nossa, A. El problema agrario en América Latina.
García Nossa, A.Tipología de las reformas agrarias latinoamericanas.
Gerber, H.           The social origins of the modern Middle East.
Gereffi, G.           (2018) Global value chains and development. Redefining the contours of 21st century capitalism. Cambridge University Press.
Glover, D. Teck Ghee, L. Contract farming in South East Asia. Three case studies. Institute Pengajian Tinggi. Institute for advanced studies (1992).
Goncalves, M.; Xia, Harry. (2014) Advanced economies and emerging markets. Prospects for globalization. Business Expert Press.
Goncalves, M.; Xia, Harry. (2014) Comparing emerging and advanced markets. Current trends and challenges. Business Expert Press.
Gudmundson, L.               Costa Rica antes del café: la distribución de oficios, la desigualdad en la riqueza, y la élite en la economía aldeana de la década de 1840.
Haim, S.               Essays on the economic history of the Middle East.
Halperin, T.         Historia contemporánea de América Latina.
Harman, Chris.    From feudalism to capitalism. (1989)
Harris-White, B. et al      The comparative political economy of development. Africa and South Asia.
Hilton, R.             The transition from feudalism to capitalism.
Hossain, M. et al              South Asian economic development.
Hourani, A.         History of the Arab Peoples.
Ianni, O.              La formación del Estado populista en América Latina.
Issawi, C.            The economic history of the Middle East and North Africa
Ito, T. et al          Growth theories in the light of East Asian experience.
Jayasuriya, J.      Law, capitalism and power in Asia: the rule of law and public institutions.
Johansen, B.       The islamic law on land tax and rent. The Peasants' Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in the Hanafite Legal Literature of the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods
K.V. Hernández-Villafuerte. Price Transmission within selected Agricultural Markets of Latin America. Georg-August-University Göttingen (2012).
Kaur, A.               Wage-labour in South East Asia since 1840. Globalization, the international division of labor, and labour transformations.
Kautsky, K.          The agrarian question.
Kelly, D.               Japan and the reconstruction of East Asia.
Konara, P.; Jung Haa, Y.; McDonald, F.; Wei, Y. (2015) The rise of multinationals from emerging economies. Achieving a new balance. Palgrave MacMillan.
Kreijen, G.           State failure, sovereignity and effectiveness: legal lessons from the decolonization of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Kwamena, A.      The politics of property rights institutions in Africa.
Lenin V.I.             The Agrarian Programme of Social-Democracy in the First Russian Revolution, 1905-1907.
Lenin V.I.             The capitalist system of modern agriculture.
Lenin, V.I.           The agrarian question and the “critics of Marx”
Lenin, V.I.           El desarrollo del capitalismo en Rusia.
Lipietz, A. (1997) The Post-Fordist World: Labour Relation, International Hierarchy, and Global Ecology. Review of International Political Economy.
Livingston, G. et al           Sub-Saharan Africa: The state of smallholders in agriculture.
Lund, C.               Local politics and the dynamics of property in Africa.
Mafeje, A.           The agrarian question, access to land and peasant responses in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Magnus, G.         (2011) Uprising: will emerging markets shape or shake the world economy. Wiley.
Mandel, E.          (1968) [1962] Marxist Economic Theory. Volume Two. Monthly Review Press.
Mandel, E.          (1968) [1962]. Marxist Economic Theory. Volume One. Monthly Review Press.
Mariátegui, J.C. José Carlos Mariátegui: an anthology.
Mariátegui, J.C. Siete ensayos de interpretación de la realidad peruana.
Marinov, M.A.; Marinova, S.T. (2014) Successes and challenges of emerging economy multinationals. Palgrave MacMillan.
Marx, K.              Capítulo VI (inédito).
Marx, K.              On colonialism.
Marx, K.              El capital. Tomo I, II y III.
Marx, K.              Formaciones económicas precapitalistas.
Mascarenhas, R.C.          Comparative political economy of East and South Asia. A critique of development policy and management.
Medina, J.           Consideraciones sociológicas sobre el desarrollo económica de América Latina.
Meiksins-Wood, Ellen. The origin of capitalism.
Meillassoux, C.  Maidens, meal and money: capitalism and the domestic community.
Mobarek, A.; Mollah, S. (2016) Global stock market integration. Co-movement, crises and efficiency in developed and emerging markets. Palgrave MacMillan.
Montiel, P.          (2011) Macroeconomics in emerging markets. Cambridge University Press.
Mora, J.               Cambios en la distribución y uso del suelo: 1963-1984
Motohashi, K.    (2015) Global business strategies. Multinational corporations venturing into emerging markets. Springer Open.
Moyo, S. Family farming in sub-Saharan Africa: its contribution to agriculture, food security and rural development. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth of the United Nations Development Programme (2016).
Murmis, M.         Tipología de pequeños productores campesinos en América.
Ndulu, B.J. et al The political economy of economic growth in Africa: 1960-2000.
Nölke, A.             (2014) Multinational corporations from emerging markets. State capitalism 3.0. Palgrave MacMillan.
Nordås, H. K., M. Geloso Grosso and E. Pinali. Market Structure in the Distribution Sector and Merchandise Trade. OECD publishing (2008).
Nordås, H.K. Trade paradigms for developing countries: some old, some new, some borrowed, some out of the blue. Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific (2008).
Owen, R.             State, power and politics in the making of modern Middle East.
Pappé, I.              The modern Middle East.
Patnaik, U.          Agrarian relations and accumulation. The ‘mode of production’ debate in India.
Peters, P.            Conflicts over land and threats to customary law in Africa.
Pincus, J.             Class, power and agrarian change: land and labor in rural West Java.
Pradeep Agrawal, Subir V. Gokarn, Veena Mishra, Kirit S. Parikh and Kunal Sen. Policy Regimes and Industrial Competitiveness A Comparative Study of East Asia and India.
Quirós, C.            La era de la encomienda.
R. Ahmed, N. Rustagi. Marketing and Price Incentives in African and Asian Countries: A Comparison. Agricultural Marketing Strategy and Pricing Policy. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (1987).
Ramamurti, R.; Singh, J.V. (2009) Emerging multinationals in emerging markets. Cambridge University Press.
Ramírez, M.        El desarrollo capitalista en la industria costarricense. 1850-1930.
Ramírez, M.        Modalidades de la transición del capitalismo agrario.
Reardon, T. et al. The Rapid Rise of Supermarkets in Developing Countries: Induced Organizational, Institutional, and Technological Change in Agrifood Systems. Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics (2004).
Reardon, T. Timmer, C.P. Transformation of Markets for Agricultural Output in Developing Countries Since 1950:  How Has Thinking Changed? (2005).
Reid, A.                The last stand of Asian autonomies. Responses to modernity in the diverse states of SouthEast Asia and Korea.
Reno, W.             Humanitarian emergencies and warlord economies.
Richards, A.        A political economy of the Middle East.
Rodinson, M.     Islam and capitalism.
Rodinson, M.     The Arabs.
Rodney, W.        Aspects of the international class struggle in Africa, the Caribbean and America.
S.K. Lowder, J. Skoet, T. Raney. The Number, Size, and Distribution of Farms, Smallholder Farms, and Family Farms Worldwide. World Development. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2016).
Sabharwal, M. Berman, E.M.       Public administration in South Asia, India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan
Samper, M.         Los productores directos en el siglo del café.
Sauvant, K.P.; Mascheck, W.A.; McAllister G.A. (2010) Foreign direct investment from emerging markets. The challenges ahead. Palgrave MacMillan.
Schumann, C.     Liberal thought in Eastern Mediterranean. Late 19th century until 1960’s.
Shaw, T.              Towards a political economy for Africa. The dialectics of dependence.
Shue, V.               Peasant China in transition.
Siam Heng, M. et al         State and secularism. Perspectives from Asia.
Stokes, E.            The peasant and the Raj. Studies in agrarian society and peasant rebellion in colonial India.
Tax, S.                  Penny capitalism.
Tirthankar, R.     The economy of South-Asia from 1950 to the present.
Torres Rivas, E.  Interpretación del desarrollo social centroamericano.
Tushnet, M. et al              Unstable constitutionalism: law and politics in South Asia.
Viales, R.             Las bases de la política agraria liberal.
Walker, R.           Monopoly capital and Pan-Africanism.
Webb, M. et al   The political economy of conflict in South Asia.
Wilson, R.           Economic development in the Middle East.
Wolf, E.                              Peasants.
Ye, J. Pan, L. Concepts and realities of family farming in Asia and the Pacific. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth of the United Nations Development Programme (2016).
Yoshimatsu, H.  The political economy of regionalism in East Asia. Integrative explanation for dynamics and challenges.

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