Imperialism in the XXI century: per capita measures as "cherry picking"
Per capita
measures are a fiction just like PPP measures. You won’t find PPP or per cápita
measures existing anywhere empirically. It’s just a formal measure, a formal
redistribution of numerical values according to demography. But that’s not all.
Per cápita measures, like real GDP per cápita and income per cápita, are used
by Marxists for one and sole reason: they alwasys show the advanced countries
better than the emergent or low income countries. This helps to purport the
narrative that classical imperialism is alright and well: since there’s no
agriculture/industry divide anymore, the only way Marxist economics can
pseudo-demonstrate the superiority of the so called “Global North” over the so-called
“Global South”, is by using per cápita measures. They don’t even compare
internal redistribution of income and wealth, which in Marxist terms should be
in terms of classes, not per cápita measures. Even quintilles and deciles are a
better measure to adequately analyse redistribution of wealth internally. But
that’s not all. Even though this is an internal measure, mixed with
demographics, these per capita measures are still used for external comparative
analysis of GDP or income figures. Why don’t they use real GDP as it is, or
income as it is (GNI or otherwise)? Because it will show a bigger growth for
middle income and low income countries compared to high income ones; because it
will show that classical imperialism doesn’t exist anymore.